what do you want?

it’s a simple question that i’m sure the average person hears at least a dozen times a day. “what do you want?”
whether it be something as simple as ordering food at McDonald’s, or as complex as buying a car, no one is ever fully satisfied with what they think they want. sure that double cheeseburger sounds delicious, but an hour later, you’re sitting in the bathroom wonderingif you just wasted your money. again.
the same can be said throughout life. i recently had a birthday, and number one question from family and friends: “what do you want?”
i don’t know. and still don’t. you can send me gift cards to specific businesses, which will thankfully narrow down things for me, but even then, i spend more time than necessary trying to decide.
i, like most of you i’m sure, are at your own personal crossroads. “what do you want?” vs. “what do you need?”.  you may think you know what you need, but even then it’s more than likely just something you want. i want a beer, i want a new car, i want a great house, i want someone by my side, i want a double bacon cheeseburger with extra bacon (that last one might be a need).
i do know, however, that the one thing i want is to be happy. i’m not sure what to do to achieve this status, but i know it’s not only what i want, but also what i need.
honestly, there are stipulations to what i assume will make me happy. i won’t go into full details, but although it may sound all right to me, it may not make me happy forever, and therein lies the issue. short-term or long-term?
i rushed into my last relationship because it was something i wanted, or at least something i really thought i wanted. something i thought i needed. unfortunately, it ended up being messy, complicated, and more trouble than it was worth. sadly, only now do i realize that. rushing into something i want, over something i need.

life is full of surprises, you never know what will be waiting for you over the course of the next few days. even if you don’t think you need something, it may pop up when you least expect it. and that’s when you find out that, not what you wanted, but what you needed, was within arms’ reach the whole time.